EU – Korea



  • Smart cities: Testing of various smart city projects (ie. smart streetlights, CCTV video analysis, GPS tracking systems, etc). Exchanging experiences on implementing new smart technology projects for citizens and its expansion. Negotiating about hosting the Smart City Expo in Busan in 2018.
  • Public transport: fare system: Information exchange on automatic public transportation (bus) fare payment system.
  • Clean energy: Information exchange on solar energy and further avenues of cooperation on the introduction of clean energy.
  • Urban Re-development and Regeneration of city spaces: Both cities will exchange information about best practices in the regeneration of urban spaces into cultural or innovation areas (e.g. exploring the application of Barcelona’s model of creating urban innovation spaces). There have been initial talks to try to apply the 22 @ model (the new innovation district of the city of Barcelona) to the city of Busan.
  • Universities and research centres: Establishing collaborative links between universities and research centres between the two cities (so far interest has been expressed by the Blanquerna University and the University of Barcelona)
  • Culture and tourism: Communications are ongoing in order to host Barcelona’s Sonar electronic music festival in Busan.

Suwon/Scottish Cities Alliance (SCA)

  • Smart Cities: The development of data science capabilities and solutions in areas including circular economy, smart grid and energy data, waste management, and community safety in order to improve service delivery. Utilize existing networks such as Open and Agile Smart Cities (OASC); Check a potential connection with Seoul Digital Foundation / City of Seoul which are in the process of becoming part of the SynchroniCity IoT Large Scale Pilot (, which also encompasses the City of Eindhoven.
  • Opportunities for the development of Open Data value chain: Utilizing open data and big  data to stimulate business opportunities and crowd source data generation.
  • Circular Economy: Knowledge exchange on the development of a circular economy, particularly as it relates to waste management, waste-to-energy, and recycling.
  • Hydrogen vehicles: ongoing talks between Doosan (hydrogen facility in Busan) and SCA facilitated by the World Cities team.


  • Smart Cities: Knowledge exchange and cooperation on smart mobility (i.e. bike sharing, car sharing, technology, software and IoT). Further cooperation on utilization of open data and smart city test environments.
  • Smart Manufacturing: Industry 4.0 – IoT. Area identified as of common interest > pilot project not developed yet
  • Energy Efficiency and Climate Change: Cooperation and knowledge exchange on GHG emissions reductions, hydrogen/electric vehicles and renewable energy. Main cooperation partner in Gwangju is the International Climate and Environment Center.
  • Civic participation: Exchange of participatory processes in Gwangju and Tampere regarding climate action plans > possible development of joint strategies


  • Public Lighting: Both cities are interested in furthering cooperation in the area of public lighting and developing intelligent public lighting initiatives to support a digital transition. As a follow-up of the March mission, the company Philipps is being directly involved.
  • Innovation and IoT: Both cities seek cooperation and knowledge exchange in regard to living labs, innovation park and IoT. There is an ongoing cooperation between FONTYS and Seoul’s Innovation Park: Students from the Netherlands are participating in an internship in the Innovation Park. This will be upscaled with an exchange of start-ups. The project is helping to design that and to get possible funding.
  • e-Governance: Both cities are interested in cooperation on e-Governance. In particular, Eindhoven is interested in learning more about Seoul’s M-Voting Initiative