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Activities implemented between Indian and European cities’ representatives include:

1. Kick-Off Meeting in Mumbai on 25.05.2015. For detailed information, please see here.

2. Mission of experts from Lazio, Copenhagen and Stuttgart to Mumbai, Navi-Mumbai and Chandigarh from 25 – 29 May 2015. For detailed information, please see here.

3. Mission of delegates from Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Pune to Brussels, Stuttgart and Lazio from 12 – 16 October 2015. For detailed information, please see here.

4. Mission of delegates from Chandigarh to Brussels and Copenhagen from 26 – 30 October 2015. For detailed information, please see here.

5. Mission of European delegates to India and Closing Conference in Mumbai on 23 January 2016. For detailed information, please see here.