World Cities at DG REGIO’s Panorama 04/2016

The World Cities project is largely covered at the Panorama DG REGIO 2016_Article World Cities, DG REGIO’s main communication tool.

As the article states, the World Cities project strengthens relations with the China, India, Japan and Canada by developing joint tools and solutions to similar problems. Lessons learnt are crucial for future EU external relations projects and programmes, notably those under the Union’s Partnership Instrument. Through imaginative actions like World Cities, the EU is taking a lead role in creating a new international urban development agenda and bringing genuine added value to international diplomacy.

The article presents the city-pairings and reflects on the crucial support of the European Parliament to this venture.

Panorama DG REGIO_front page

World Cities at Panorama 56_2016_1 World Cities at Panorama 56_2016_2

The magazine is printed in English, French, German, Bulgarian, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Polish and Romanian on recycled paper. It is available online in 22 languages at  

Panorama is issued by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Unit for Communication.